
Tabletalk Magazine, February 2005: The Five Books of Moses is unavailable, but you can change that!

Tabletalk magazine was formed in 1977 to provide a substantive study tool for believers. Though its format has changed over the years, Tabletalk continues to challenge and encourage readers to dig deeper into the Word of God in order that their lives may be transformed through the renewing of their minds (Rom. 12:1–2). Daily Bible studies are the method for taking readers through the Bible, while...

covenant” (Gen. 17:13) and that the promises of the covenant will be enduring (Gen. 17:8). Every ancient covenant has a physical sign or seal attached to it. One cannot be part of the covenant and not carry the sign or seal of the covenant; they are inextricably bound. The sign and seal of the Abrahamic covenant is circumcision (Gen. 17). And circumcision is principally a sign, and a sign is a physical witness to a spiritual reality, which is the covenant relationship between God and His people. It is a sign
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